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Context Qatars Mediation And Israels Military Operations

Rafah Border Crossing: A Glimpse into Gaza's Humanitarian Crisis

Context: Qatar's Mediation and Israel's Military Operations

In May 2024, Qatar brokered an agreement between Egypt, Israel, Hamas, and the US, allowing for the opening of Gaza's Rafah border crossing. However, Israel's ongoing military operations in the region continued to cast a shadow over the agreement.

Control of the Gaza Side

On May 8, 2024, the Israeli military announced it had seized control of the Gaza side of the crossing. This closure followed the Israeli military's seizure of the Karni border crossing, effectively cutting off two key aid entry points into Gaza.

Reputational Impact and International Concern

The closure of the Rafah border crossing sparked international concern and condemnation. Humanitarian organizations expressed alarm at the potential for a further deterioration of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) urged Israel to reopen the crossings, highlighting the urgent need for aid supplies to reach the civilian population.

Repercussions for Aid Delivery and Human Life

With the closure of the Rafah and Karni crossings, the Gaza Strip's already fragile aid delivery system was severely compromised. Essential supplies, including food, medicine, and medical equipment, were unable to enter the besieged territory. This hindered the provision of basic healthcare and sanitation services, further endangering the lives of Gaza's two million residents.
